
Haberfield homes

I know there are nicer suburbs and I know there are more expensive suburbs. Some suburbs are near the beach. Some have fantastic shopping or a great nightlife.

Haberfield has none of these thing yet it is probably my favorite Sydney suburb. What is has is an abundance of old federation style homes. All of them under heritage listing. And all just 5min west of the city.

Every turn you make in this suburb you are bombarded with big beautiful homes. All built in the early 1900's by Richard Stanton as a response to the bubonic plague if you can believe it.

Built as "The Garden Suburb" residents must adhere to strict guidelines when extending and renovating. Not sure if I could live like that...

The one thing I do love about it though is what you see when you look abit closer.... Being built around federation there was I suppose a big nationalist feeling in the air so most of the streets are named after prominent politicians and dignitaries and alot of the houses are slyly decorated with Australian emblems.., cockatoos, kookaburras, wattle etc.

Makes for an interesting place to walk the dog. Just don't expect a beer at the pub afterwards...

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